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Tag Archive underwater

Diving with a Dugong

The Dugong is a very special animal to see. From the front, it has a sort of vacuum-cleaner-like snout, while from the back, it sports a dolphin-like tail. Its front limbs have evolved into flippers. The Dugong has adapted to the “sea cow model” and belongs to the Sirenia order, which also includes manatees. These animals are thought to once have been mistaken for attractive mermaids by desperate sailors whose perception of female beauty was somewhat impaired by their long sea voyages. In Mexico, I already saw a West Indian Manatee. However, the Dugong was entirely new to me.

On eye-level with the largest animal on the planet

Experiencing certain natural phenomena can be an experience like nothing else. Witnessing a solar eclipse, for instance, that happened to me in Chile. I still remember it well and it was one of the most special things I have ever seen. Watching an erupting volcano or a roaring tornado also strikes me as one of those unique experiences. Encounters with animals in the wild can evoke a similar feeling. There is a difference between simply seeing an animal and truly experiencing an animal.